Most of us are members of the ‘clean plate club’ as that’s the way we’ve been brought up since younger age-finish off whatever has been served onto the plate irrespective of the size of the plate. Mama and papa even bribe us with candies or ice creams to eat our food. Disciplining the kid to complete his/her meal is not the right way to teach him/her portion control. By dictating this way, we are nurturing a generation of children who remain unaware of the portion sizes that would keep their stomach full. When our child says that his/her tummy is full its time to say goodbye to the rest of the food. Only by doing this we allow them to decide upon the right quantity of foods that would satisfy their hunger. If not, the child grows into an adult who eats all that is in his/her plate irrespective of whether he/she is hungry or not. Portions are integral for our weight management. How much we eat is a key player in assessing our total calorie intake beyond what we eat.
The amount of food served determines the amount of food usually consumed. And, the amount of food served depends on the eating ware placed in front of you during mealtime. Despite this, we remain unaware of the fact that a simple eating ware dominates our portion sizes and the rate at which we eat our food. The edge of the container is the maximum space allocated for filling it. Solid foods can even exceed the rim of these containers and we don’t have any measuring system that takes this into account for total calorie calculation. When you go to a nutritionist or dietitian for a diet chart, the RDN gives you a list of foods that can/cannot be eaten along with portion sizes. At the nutritionist’s clinic, she shows the respective portion sizes allowed and the measures that denote these portion sizes. The portions recommended (based on your age, sex, weight, etc.) differs from what you’ve been consuming until now. This is hard to put into practice for anyone of any age as currently there are no recommendations to gradually modify the rate and quantity consumed neither are there any tools to guide the user in this process. Many start to diet thereby drastically cutting out portions and finally end up binge-eating owing to lack of fullness and satiety. A lot many diet devices focus either on the fat, sugar and calorie content of the food or individual serving containers. Individuals are also unaware of the subtle differences in eating ware that can cause a pile up of food portions at the end of the day. For instance, a plate is a plate but the depth of the plate decides the quantity of food that goes into the body. A plate with more depth can contain more food than a flat-surfaced plate. The devices used mostly help in measuring food contained within the device and does not bother about the consumption processes as a system. The individual also assumes portions by making a judgement of the size of the eating ware and the foods served onto it. Weight loss that happens over a period of time is healthy and stays long. Lifestyle changes and eating habits must be changed gradually to maintain permanent weight loss. Apart from changing what goes into our plate we also need to completely focus on how much of it goes into our plate. Rather than abruptly bringing in changes it is required to make a gradual process over time. The rate at which you eat the food also determines how much food you eat. Sitting down at the dining table, its impossible to keep your dieting routine discreet as the devices currently used are sure to make others look not once or twice but a many more times in your direction. The patented eating-ware device invented here relates to an incrementally-sized standard-sized eating-ware system processed for weight management and uses multiple formulas to design and establish certain standard sizes for eating wares which are used as measures to control the amount and rate of food consumed for weight management. This incrementally sized standard-sized eating-ware system enables the user to directly eat from the eating-ware rather than measuring it or transferring it into some other utensil. No devices until now have established standard portion size (SPS) and standard snack size (SSS) and none have addressed the importance of standard size of the utensils and utensil-like eating-ware components using standard bite size (SBS) and standard nibble size (SNS) which determine the rate at which we consume foods. Many snacks come in prepackaged sizes and there would be no need for these measuring devices as the user can directly eat from the packet. But, SNS, SSS, SPS and SBS can be assigned to any prepackaged foods to help the use stick to portion sizes and stick to his/her weight without having to empty the packet into another container. The SNS and SBS are of great help here as we have not got any device helping us measure the quantity of food that goes into the mouth nor we have any idea to calculate calories based on this quantity. The eating-ware component’s geometry can be circular, oval, polygonal or likewise and it can be anything like a bowl, plate, drink-ware or any item that can be used to transfer food directly to user’s mouth or any item that can be used to serve and eat food directly and it can be oval, square, polygonal, cubic or cylindrical. The patent was published on April 28th, 2016 and occupies pivotal importance due to its advantage in our day to day life and weight loss efforts. If you would like to know more about the patented device you can always visit any of the referenced sites here for further understanding. References United States Patents & Trademark Office: European Patent Organization: World Intellectual Property Organization: Comments are closed.
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